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Agnietė Lisičkinaitė is an independent contemporary dance artist, choreographer, and teacher. From 2020 to 2024, she served as chairwoman of the Lithuania Contemporary Dance Association and is now a council member. Agnietė is recognized in the international dance community as a politically engaged creator who explores themes of protest culture, the influence of political regimes, and the various interpretations of freedom. Central to her creative practice is the physically exhausted body, which serves as a symbol of those living under various forms of oppression. She is particularly known for her solo project, “Hands Up.””

In 2019, Agnietė and her creative partner, Greta Grinevičiūte, founded Be Company, an organization that operates in the fields of contemporary dance, artistic social activism, and cultural education. A key mission of Be Company is to support emerging dance artists by producing their works and engaging with diverse communities, including the elderly, LGBTQ+ individuals, and teenagers. Additionally, Agnietė Lisičkinaitė is a lecturer at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, where she teaches contemporary dance to students.