Queer Tango Club is a research project, a performance, and a temporary collective of people who come together to learn and dance the Argentine tango. While rehearsing the dance steps, the Queer Tango Club also envisions queer futurities and social structures that transcend current norms and limitations related to gender, sexuality, and identity. Spectators are invited to witness how the Argentine tango becomes a language to express the desire for connection and intimacy, but also to question rules, expectations, and etiquettes enforced on all bodies.
Idea, direction: Katrīna Dūka
Performers: Queer Tango Club
Composer: Līva Blūma
Tango teacher, choreography: Aigars Stirna
Supported by: EFFEA – European Festivals Fund for Emerging Artists, Valsts kultūrkapitāla fonds