Agnietė Lisičkinaitė presents an experience halfway between a performance and a political intervention, inviting the audience to participate in reconstructing a public space. The Lithuanian artist considers dance a tool for social activism, capable of provoking, stimulating dialogue and triggering thoughts and questions. For a long time, Lisičkinaitė has been investigating the role of the body in protests and how protests are embodied in different cultural, social and religious contexts, starting from the assumption that all protests start and end with human bodies. “HANDS UP” examines the fragile distance between surrender and devotion, reconciliation and resistance. What are the consequences of a non-constructive protest close to recent global movements? What kind of protest do we want to create in the future? Will it be a symbol of freedom or aggression? This ever-evolving research has no single truth or answer.
Idea, choreography and performance: Agnietė Lisičkinaitė
Dramaturgy: Bush Hartsorn
Video: Odeta Riškutė
Costume: Morta Nakaitė
Music: Jokūbas Tulaba
Light design: Povilas Laurinaitis
Produced by: BE COMPANY
Project funded by Lithuania culture council and Lithuania dance information center
Content warnings: topless body, very shortly in the end of the show.